Should You Go to a Chiropractor?


Here's Why I Chose The Joint Chiropractic

Two weeks ago, I had never been to a chiropractor in my life. It wasn’t something I knew much about at all, save for my father going weekly for his bad back for years when I was growing up. But recently I realized I am basically the age my dad was when he was going all the time. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?! Several of my friends go on an as-needed basis. When The Joint Chiropractic, a walk-in clinic with 500+ locations around the country, invited me in for my first ever experience, I realized just how much I needed to go in the first place.

The Joint is unlike any doctor visit I’m used to. It’s quick from start to finish, inexpensive, requires no appointment, and more than anything, incredibly approachable.

I grew up playing sports, and have continued my love for them in adulthood. I love challenging myself with new yoga asanas, I’m slightly addicted to perfecting the one-handed backhand in tennis (though Travis will acknowledge it is my biggest unforced error), and I am the queen of garage workouts, with my equipment growing by the day. But my love for an active lifestyle has had some setbacks, including achilles tendonitis, faulty knee joints, and a chronic piriformis pain that I can’t seem to kick.


I’ve learned so much about my body during my visits to The Joint. Understanding the misalignments in my body that are causing certain pains has led me to realize that sometimes, time doesn’t heal all wounds, but a spinal adjustment just might. Dr. Pablo Rodriguez is as professional as he is personable. While he’s able to immediately pinpoint obvious muscle soreness from my workouts, in three visits I’ve learned my achilles tendonitis and sciatic pain are likely connected, and have felt relief from both as I continue to workout regularly.

Upon reading the pamphlet at my first visit to The Joint, I was startled by the prices. A single visit is just $39, which is great if you have commitment issues. However, there’s also a Wellness Plan for $79 that permits up to four visits per month. That’s less than $20 per visit. There are package deals too.

Currently, The Joint has an incredible special running, having pledged $1 million in free new patient visits to help Americans get moving again amid the setbacks this year has thrown our way. Throughout the month of June (ahem, you only have days left!), new patients across the brand’s 500+ clinics nationwide will receive a FREE chiropractic consultations, exams and adjustments.

From improving joint mobility, function and health, to making tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight, to combatting symptoms and disorders like arthritis, migraines, knee, foot and ankle pain, neck, lower and upper back pain, sciatica, ear infections, and more, there are so many ways you can boost your immune system with a chiropractic visit. So take advantage of the June special while it lasts!

Have questions about my experience? Have input on your own chiropractic journey? Leave a comment!

Alexa Erickson

Alexa Erickson

Exploring life's many facets one glass of wine, pair of heels, and yoga class at a time.


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