The Period Underwear That Actually Makes Me Feel Sexy, Safe and Secure
Growing up, I lived in a culture that shamed periods. I remember being teased by my peers as a packaged tampon fell out of my jacket in the hallway at school. I was 11 years old. As an adult, I became savvy at stealthily transferring a tampon from my handbag to my pocket, or slipping it up my sleeve, without anyone seeing. Waving around a tampon was like showing off a gun — making people, at the very least, highly uncomfortable. But things have changed.
Headlines like “Woman Uses Menstrual Blood for Facial,” and “Girl Creates Art From Her Own Menstrual Blood to Inspire Girls” and “26-Year-Old Woman Free Bleeds Proudly Through Her First Marathon” challenged the narrative around menstruation. Shaming girls and women for having to pull out a tampon, or making us feel embarrassed if we leak, is finally starting to fall on the shoulders of the ones pointing the finger, not menstruators.
I’m now finding myself in open conversations with women, sometimes in front of men, as we discuss solutions for cramps, the best stain remover for our sheets after a heavy night, and whether or not we’ve finally made the switch from tampons to a cup or disc.
One of the discussions that comes up when talking about menstruation is taking time off from sticking menstrual products up our vaginas. There are hours or even days when I can’t bare to put anything up there. And I know many menstruators agree, which is why we can all laugh about the casualties in our underwear drawer we now refer to as “period underwear.” But this begs the question: why hasn’t technology caught on with our desire for days off? Modibodi has answered.
Modibodi saw the need for giving women the option to wear underwear without ruining underwear. The idea behind the brand is to create beautiful and functional underwear and swimwear that allows all ages, all sexes, all shapes and sizes to feel safe, sassy and sustainable.
When my friend first introduced me to Modibodi, I was already using light-flow nights to skip the tampon and wear underwear. I was already feeling very unapologetic for a trace of blood on my sheets as my boyfriend and I made the bed. So to say the least, receiving a package of three styles of the Modibodi underwear was exciting for me. I’d never been so antsy to get my period. And that’s saying something.
Modibodi uses high quality material, featuring tech-savvy fabrics such as bamboo, merino perform wool and microfiber, along with breathable, antimicrobial fibers and their patented stain resistant, moisture-wicking, odor-fighting lining to create a line of underwear that allows you to own your period in a way you never could before. Most importantly, the technology is toxic-free, so you don’t have to worry about subjecting your body to harmful chemicals.
Lace trim, fun colors and sexy cuts are some of the first things that came to mind when I opened my package from Modibodi. Not “period underwear.” When I got my period, I hopped into bed wearing a pair and happily snuggled up to my boyfriend to tell him all about the underwear.
Lex Erickson
Exploring life's many facets one glass of wine, pair of heels, and yoga class at a time.
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When I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing: nothing. The underwear truly keeps you and your surroundings dry and clean. You can choose from super light absorbency underwear all the way up to heavy absorbency. There’s high-waisted styles, cheeky styles and even thongs. After use, you simply run in cold water (don’t soak!) until the water runs clear, then hang dry.
I’m proud to partner with Modibodi because it stands for exactly what I live by: honesty, confidence and sustainability.
Are you ready to join the conversation? Are you prepared to take back your period? Are you excited to try something that fits your needs? Use code LEX15 for 15% off all products excluding bundles, gift cards and sale items.
May 8, 2020