Become the Best Plant Parent With the Plant Story App
If you’re anything like me, you consider plants home decor. They’re vibrant, natural air purifiers that add dimension, serenity, and coziness to any space. I’m victim of going on what I call “plant benders,” where I buy a plethora of plants from a local nursery and decorate vacant corners, coffee tables, and even the ceilings with my finds. But only about half ever make it through the year, and then I’m on to finding new ones. The issue is, over time I forget what plants I even own, and what kind of care each one needs. I’m over killing plants, so I downloaded an app called Plant Story to solve my fauna woes.
Plant Story is both an AI-powered plant identification model that can easily and accurately identify most plants, as well as an in-depth plant information database.
The first thing I did when I downloaded the app was tap on the Plant ID function. The feature prompts you to take a picture of the plant in question. It then identifies the plant, providing you information on how much water it needs, how much sunlight is required for optimal plant health, and allows you to set up schedules like watering, fertilization, and repotting. I had recently repotted my Chinese evergreen, so I put a special note once I uploaded the plant into the app, adding the date of when I last repotted it to refer back to when needed.
If you’re on a hike and want to identify a plant the app can’t locate, you can add a photo to the Explore page and ask other users if they know what it is. Perhaps you need help understanding why your plant isn’t thriving. Other users can comment with helpful information based on your picture and description of the plant’s issue. Another fun feature is to explore trending stories on the app. Users upload helpful hacks, insightful information like which plants are safe for animals, and beautiful videos like timelapses of plants blooming.
From improving your green thumb to helping others better theirs, Plant Story is great for novices and experts alike. It's a place to become a plant enthusiast, and show off your seasoned enthusiasm. Share your plant story and connect with people around the world — all in one app.
Ready to download the app?
For iOS, download the app here.
For Android, download the app here.
Lex Erickson
Exploring life's many facets one glass of wine, pair of heels, and yoga class at a time.